Extras Menu The Extras menu has many useful commands. »New Item ⌘I To create a new calendar, directory, or to-do list item, choose the New Item command in the Extras menu. New Item creates a given type of item based on the type of the front window. Figure: New Event Dialog. »Record New Item ⌘I To create a new calendar item by recording a sound, choose the Record New Item command in the Extras menu. The standard Macintosh recording dialog will appear. Figure: Record Dialog. Record your sound by clicking the record button. When the sound has been recorded, click Save. A calendar item is then created with the sound included. To hear the item sound, choose the Speak Items (⌘K) command in the Extras menu. »Font Setup ⌘U The Font Setup command is used to change the font and font size for all of the windows in Imaja Reminder. A separate setting is used for printing. This lets you find the optimal font and size for each of those functions separately. Figure: Font Dialog. A common action is to switch between large and small sizes for the screen. Large font sizes are more readable, while small font sizes let you see more text in a window. One small font setting that works well is Times 9 point. Times 12 or 14 point works well as a larger readable setting. Apple TrueType or Adobe Type Manager can be used to get the best quality fonts displayed on the screen and on the printer. If these are not available then Geneva 9 point or New York 9 point works well as a small font, and Geneva 12 point or New York 12 point works well as a large size. Of course, if you have a really large screen, you can choose even larger sizes like 18 or 24 points. »Smaller Font ⌘[ Use this command to reduce the screen font size by one point. »Larger Font ⌘] Use this command to enlarge the screen font size by one point. »Help ⌘? The Help command is used to make this manual appear. This manual can also be opened by double clicking it in the Finder or dragging it to the Imaja Reminder application icon. Figure: Help Window. »Show Time In Month View To have the time displayed before each item in the Month window, check this item. When the time is displayed, there is less room for the event text to be displayed, so you may want to keep this option off. Figure: Month Day, controls/time. »Show Events In Year View To have events displayed in the Year window in the day boxes, check this item. This option will slow the update speed of the Year window. »Show Event Controls To display event controls in the Month window, turn this option on. Figure: Month Day, controls. Event controls are the drag-and-drop area and the popup menu triangle to the left of events. You can also click the event controls button at the top left of the Month window. To make more room for the event text, turn Event Controls off. Figure: Month Day, plain. »Confirm Deletes To cause a confirmation appear when you delete items, check this item. You can not Undo deleting an item. If this item is not checked, the item is simply deleted. »Popup Overdue Window To cause the Overdue window to appear in front of all other Imaja Reminder windows when an event becomes overdue, check this item. The computer will play the alarm sound you have chosen from the Sounds menu when an event becomes overdue, whether or not you are using the Popup Overdue Window option. »Line Limit The Line Limit command lets you limit how many lines of text are displayed for an event in the Day, Week, and Overdue windows. If the line limit is set to zero, then all of the text for each item will be displayed. If the line limit is set greater than zero, then all items will be displayed in a box a fixed number of lines high. For instance, if the line limit is 2 lines, then all text boxes will be two lines high. Any items that are more than two lines long are not completely visible. Setting a line limit will slightly increase the speed of the updating of the windows. It also provides a consistent height to the items, making scanning the first few words of an item easier. If the line limit is set to zero, then all text in each item is visible. »Alarm Sound Use this sub-menu to choose the sound to be played when events become overdue. The sounds listed in this menu are the sounds you have installed in your system. To add new sounds, use the Monitors and Sound control panel or the Sound control panel. »Use Speech Synth To have items spoken using the Macintalk speech synthesis when they become overdue, check this item. When this option is turned on, the name and phone number of items found with the Find command in the Directory window will be spoken. »Speak Items ⌘K To have the computer speak the text of items in the front window, choose the Speak Items command in the Extras menu. This command works in the Day, Overdue, Hourly, Event, and Directory windows. In the Directory window, it plays the current entry, speaking the name and the phone number. »Fit Month View Use this option to have the month display scaled to fit in the Month window. The other option is Large Month View, described below. »Fit Month View Use this option to use a large month display that is larger than Month window. To scroll around the month in this mode, press Option and drag the display to the desired position. The other option is Fit Month View, described above.